Today we went to Larkspur for the Denver Renaissance Festival.  We didn’t know what that was or what was going to be there.  It was full of fun shops, food places, things to do and watch!

As we were walking up to the gate a lady in a fancy dress and a man with a funny shirt stopped to talk to us.


It wasn’t time to go in yet so the people at the top of the castle were talking to us.  When the canon fired we were allowed to go inside.

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Before we went inside we saw a fairy outside.  She gave us each a magic rock and sprinkled fairy dust on it.

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There were all kinds of people dressed up in costumes.  We were a little worried about taking a picture with this “bull”.  Dad came with us!


We found a boat swing to ride on.We helped the man by pulling a rope.

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Do you see us in the dragon mouth?  We walked through a maze to get to the dragon slide.  We tried by ourselves at first, but daddy had to come in and help us find our way.

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In the kids area there was a butterfly ride.  This ride didn’t have a motor.  The 2 girls working there pushed us around in a circle.  We each got a turn to ride in the rainbow butterfly.

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Then we rode the animals.  There was a pony, donkey, and llama’s.  I chose the donkey!

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This was a Shetland horse.  She pulls the carriage in the parade and rests in the petting zoo area during the day.


I found a moo cow to pet.


Here are the pigs.  I didn’t pet them, but I read the sign for their pen.


This animal is a yak.  There was a highland cow that I got to pet.  Autumn was busy listening to the bell man while I checked out the animals.  There were also chickens, a rooster, a turkey, llamas, rabbits, ducks, and donkeys too.


This is the carillon.  It’s bells that a man played music on.


Here is the jousting arena.


These were the maidens and queen coming to the show.


Here come the horses!


Our knight was Sir Joseph.

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After this show we walked over and saw part of the Endangered Cats show.

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We found a face painting lady.  Autumn chose strawberries and I chose cherries.

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While we were walking the parade came by.  See the horse I pet earlier?

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Can you believe there was an elephant in the parade?


On the way out we stopped to take a picture.


While we were doing that a lady ran up and got in our picture!

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Here’s our magic fairy stones!

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