Mom says that since I’m bigger I get to write on the website until Autumn gets a little older. Autumn had to use a biliblanket for a week since she was jaundice. I was jaundice too when I was first born, but I had to go into the NICU. Autumn got to do her treatment at home. She had to be naked except her diaper and had this blue light pad strapped to her back. Mom and Dad say it was a pain because the cord from the box to the pad was short so you couldn’t move around if you were holding Autumn, the paper cover for the pad kept tearing and moving into the wrong place, and at night the blue light was really bright and made it hard for Mom to feed Autumn. Mom kept telling herself-at least she’s at home and not in the hospital. I made sure that whenever we moved the box upstairs that everything was plugged in. Here is Autumn sitting in her chair with her biliblanket and you can see the blue light on her foot.
While Dad took me to the park, Mom gave Autumn a sponge bath. She didn’t really like it very much. I’ll have to show her how much fun it is playing in the water. Mom says I didn’t like the bath at first either.
Last weekend Grandma Doyle came out to meet Autumn. We had lots of fun. She played with both of us, but mostly me since Autumn isn’t big enough to play yet.
Here are some other pictures Mom took.