Last weekend we took a trip out to Heritage Square.  We went last year, but this time Autumn was big enough to ride on the rides.  We all got to go on the Alpine slide too!

Riding on the Merry-Go-Round

Riding the banana’s. Mine stayed down the whole time, but Autumn made hers go up and down, and up and down!

This is the hot air balloon ride.

Autumn didn’t really like this ride or the train.  the train was to bumpy for her.

Then we went on the swans.  (That’s Daddy’s booty!)  He did all the pedaling.  We just went along for the ride.

Since we were all on the slide we couldn’t take any pictures, but after the ride we had a treat!

My silly sister copies everything I do!

Stripping for the camera?

Copycat #2

There was a wooden toy store there.  We each got to pick a plane to take home.


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