On January 27th I was playing on Benny the Bull in Mommy and Daddy’s room when I fell over.  It really hurt!  When Mommy came home from the movie she did some tests, called the advice nurse and off we went to Children’s Hospital.  We had to wait a long time for x-rays and to see a doctor.  Plus they gave me motrin and it was WAY past my bedtime!

This was my arm in the makeshift sling.  Mom used a pillow and a necktie to hold it still.


We waited soooo long, that when we finally got to a room I fell asleep on Mommy.  The Dr. came in and they tried to wake me up but I would only kinda wake up for a few seconds.  Then someone else came in to put on my soft cast.  I had to wear that for a week in case there was any swelling.


Here’s the bull that did it.  Yes, he isn’t very tall.  Yes, I was sitting on him.  Yes, it was on the carpet.

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On Friday we went back to the hospital and they took off the soft cast.  My arm was swolen, but they were able to cast it.

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I chose a pink and purple cast.

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For now I have 2 more weeks with my cast.  I have lots of people who have signed it!  Kameron even drew me a picture of a unicorn.  Complete with poop on the ground behind him!


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