Today we went with Mommy, Jeffrey, Caitlin, and Ry to a pumpkin patch.  This place had lots more than just pumpkins though!  It had animals, bouncy houses, haystack mazes, rope mazes, a town, barrel train, hay rides, and room to run.  Plus we had corn dogs and pulled pork sandwiches for lunch!

This year, Mommy remembered that a wagon would be good for this kind of place.  Since we didn’t have a stroller she figured the babies could use the wagon and I could walk.  Boy was she wrong!

Actually, I got out soon after and the babies walked a lot of the time too.  Look at the chicken and the mooooo cow!

See the sheep-it was too busy eating to talk to us.

Maybe I can pet the goat instead.

Here’s the bouncy house.  Autumn cried the whole time inside and I didn’t even go near it!

Next we went on the barrel train. I helped uncle Jeffrey pull the babies in the wagon.

The barrels didn’t have any seats so you really can’t see Autumn sitting inside.

We climbed the stairs of the castle and found this spot to have a snack and stomp out feet.

From the castle we could see a rope maze down below. We had lots of fun going through the maze.

At the end of the maze we found a pirate.  She even shared some of her pirate treasure with us-a Starburst!

More running and fun.

Playing in the rope maze was so much fun that we headed to the haystack maze next.

Here’s some pictures of the “town” that they created.

We stopped to take some pictures with pumpkins.

Next was the hayride to the pumpkin patch.  Mom was showing Jeff what it would look like when they had another baby!


This was the ride back to our wagon.  Everyone was holding their pumpkins.

After pumpkin picking we headed to the grass area to have lunch.  We shared a pulled pork sandwich.  It was yummy!  Then we had some time to run and play!

One last look at the animals while Mommy and Jeffrey paid for our pumpkins.


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