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I’ve been walking around the furniture for a while now.  I even stand all by myself sometimes, but these last few days we’ve been practicing my walking.  I think it’s soooo funny walking to mom and dad that sometimes I get crazy.  If I start with my feet flat and I’m not laughing too much I can take a couple of steps.  Mom made this video so you can see.  She also added some of me reading.  I like to go to my bookshelf and look at the books.  I’m really good at taking them off the shelf, but I’m not as good about putting them away!

Last night I went to see Uncle Howard.  I think I wore him out though because he was getting tired by the time we left.

Where’s Kalina?


Here I am!


Where’s Uncle Howard?  Quick, get away!


I’m brave.  I’m coming back to get him.


He needed a rest so I gave my doggie a ride.


Mom didn’t take any pictures, but last night I got to eat chocolate covered caramel popcorn.  It was only the white fluffy part so mom let me have some.  Boy that stuff was yummy!  Don’t tell, but when nobody was looking-Uncle Howard gave me some extra pieces.

Today Mom tried pigtails only my hair isn’t long enough to put the pigtails on the side, so mine just stuck straight up.

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Mom says I’m good at playing.  I can sit and read books by myself, play with my toys, and play with my dolls.  I have noisy toys, big toys, and lego’s.

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Am I a happy kid or what?!
