Today we got to decorate our pumpkins!  Jackie came over to help and we had lots of fun. We had tiny pumpkins, medium sized ones, and a big one.



First we worked on our painted pumpkins.  Mommy put tape on them and we drew our faces.  Then she cut on the lines and took off the extra tape.  Then we got to finer paint on them.  It was kinda messy, but it was fun.


While we worked on our paint pumpkins, Jackie worked on the big ones.  We had used our hands to make the eyes, and our letter to make the nose, and Jackie was going to draw the mouth.

She had lots to work on so we did our glitter pumpkins next.  We did these before, but they were outside on the porch and the rain and snow washed off the glitter.


Then we did the sticker pumpkins.  They were the tiny pumpkins!


After that Jackie was ready for us to help.  Well, she was ready for me to help.  Autumn didn’t want to touch the insides of her pumpkin.


After she was all done carving them we took them to my closet with a flashlight to see how they looked!  It was awesome!


Here are mine.

These are Autumn’s.


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