This year for Halloween we put on our costumes at work and took treats to the workers.  Mom made marshmallow ghost bags, oreo spiders complete with hand drawn spider webs on the outside of the bag, and rice krispy treat pumpkins.  We walked around and gave everyone at work a treat.

Ryland was a train conductor, Autumn was a princess, and I was Snow White.  Grandma made the girl costumes, but Autumn wouldn’t put all the parts of hers on.

Fabrice was tricky.  We gave him a treat and he gave us a candy and our treats back!

Nick was balancing that big board of pictures when we gave him his treat.

Autumn carried her box of treats all around the lab.  She would put it down, get out the treat, give it to the person, and then pick up her box again.

Ryland decided he was done wearing his costume!

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