Last week Mom, Autumn, Grandma, and I went to San Luis to hang out with Auntie Caitlin while Jeffrey was out of town.  Mom took me to get my bangs trimmed and they had a Thomas the Train that you could ride on.  After that ride I kept wanting to go back, but mom wouldn’t let me.


She did take me to Prodpi and let me drive the fork lift.  Only the train moved and the fork lift didn’t!

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We walked to the park in the complex and I played on the play structure.  We don’t have very many pictures because mom couldn’t watch me and take pictures.  (Plus, she forgot her camera and only had her iPhone)  This was my first ride on a big girl swing (at least with Mom).  That is until I waved my hand to say all done, and then I fell off!  Don’t worry, I wasn’t hurt, and the swing was low to the ground.


Mom and I were playing with my ball and it got stuck in the basketball hoop.  We had to walk home and get a broom to get it down.  I tried to get mom to make it stuck again, but she couldn’t do it.


One of the days it was rainy so we stayed inside.  I like to play with stickers.  I decided that Autumn should play too.

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When I was about 8 months Allie did this to me.  It must run in the family-the being nice and letting others play with things too.


This is Autumn’s sleeping tent.  I got to sleep with mom on the mattress, but Autumn had to sleep in the tent because Mom said I might squish her with all the rolling around I do.  In the morning I got to play in it too.

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While we were there I got really good at playing with Tucker.  I can pet him, and I even tried to give him a kiss.  I also know how to tell them to sit now.  Caitlin let me help fill the water bowl and feed them dinner.  Did you know that when dogs drink they leave water all over the floor?  My socks sure got wet when they were home!  Here’s my toy dog eating his dinner.


This picture was in Dec. but Mom likes it.  I was chillaxing in the glider chair!


I’m waiting for San Luis-part 2 to come.  Whenever my new cousin decides to come, we’ll be heading back to SLO to see him.  Check back to see if he’s here yet!

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