It has been a fun week.  My Grandma Doyle and Auntie Devon have been visiting.  We have done lots of things together.

Sometimes I just like to hang out with Autumn.  Can I have a paci too?


When some mom’s make sweets the kids get to lick the spoon.  I like to lick peanut butter off a spoon.

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Here’s Autumn sleeping in her reindeer outfit.


Mom and I made cookie cutter cookies together.  When Auntie Devon came out we decorated them together.  Everyone says they are yummy, so mom has to make some more when she has time.

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On Christmas Eve we all went down to Christmas in the Park.  There were so many trees and lights and things to see.  I got a little overwhelmed, but it was still fun.  I even got to ride the merry go round that was there.

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That night we put on our matching PJ’s and went to sleep to wait and see what this Christmas stuff is all about.


I’m not quite sure what Christmas is.  Mom and I took some toys to the fire station for kids who don’t have lots of toys, we have a pretty tree, and there are lights all around the neighborhood.  I’m sure I’ll find out soon all about Christmas.  Here’s our tree this year.


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