Grandpa is out visiting and helping dad with the sprinklers (sinkles-if you ask Autumn)  Grandpa has been building lots of the pieces while Dad ran the trencher.  I guess our dirt isn’t really dirt, it’s clay, and with all the dirt we have around that needs sprinklers, Dad was trenching all week.  His hands are so sore from holding the machine, he can’t even go golfing!  This day we were out playing and helping them work.\

“Jump Autumn!”

Then we got sidetracked by the flowers growing where we were working.

Here’s grandpa working on the manifold.  I learned that the special glue he’s using makes your hands turn purple or blue!

Here’s Daddy with the trencher.  It’s really heavy and it digs really slow.

Autumn is helping by pulling out the flags that mark where the different underground wires are.

Now she’s helping by putting the flags in other places!

There goes Grandpa-ready to hook it up.

I think I’ll plant this flag here.

Ok, back to work now.  We have to dig out the extra dirt that’s in the trenches.


All done!  That’s the trencher working all by itself!

Since there isn’t much dirt to play with, let’s see if we can scoop some up.


Break time!  Come on Autumn, let’s go run on top the hill.


Last weekend we went up to Longmont and picked up the Cherry Blossom tree mom wanted for the center circle.  After we unloaded it we had to water it.  Nane was over for dinner so she helped us.


One of the things we really like to do right now is play with bubbles.  We’d play with them inside the house all night long if Mom would let us.


The bubble machine was making the deck messy so we moved it out to the driveway.  That’s a better place anyway because we can run and chase them.


On Friday while I was at school Autumn helped Grandpa.  They had to drill a hole in the big container and then Autumn cleaned it off.


Grandpa cut the pieces and Autumn lined them up and counted them.


Grandpa was showing Autumn how to build a manifold.  She sat and listened all about it.


Sometimes we do go inside to play.  We were playing princess.  I wore my dress that Pony made and Autumn wore the one Grandma made.


Last night Grandpa stayed up a little later than usual so we played.  We each had a light up wand and we ran around bonking each other with them.  Mom doesn’t have any pictures though because she was busy making s’mores cookies.

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