Last weekend we had a full house.  On Thursday Grandpa left to go and stay at Ry’s house and Allie and Kevin flew to our house.  After I went to swimming and Autumn and Ryland picked them up at the airport we went to a restaurant for dinner.  Friday I had school, the boys went golfing, and Autumn,  Mom and Allie went to the pool for a few hours.  That night the adults went to see a Rockies game while Autumn and I played with Grandma.


Saturday we had prime rib lunch and our car headed up to Boulder.  We went to the playground to play and then we met Caitlin, Jeff, and Ryland in town to walk around.

At the park I showed Allie how to spider swing.  We were both a little scared at first-so we closed our eyes.

Now we can open them!

See Kevin, this is how you do it.

I’m still to afraid to climb the rocket, but Mom helped me up the ladder to go on the twisty slide.

Autumn was  busy swinging REALLY high!

I decided to swing with Daddy and Autumn went to play on the playground with Mom.  Slide time!


Watch her swing from the bar.


If she sits here in the middle you can’t go on either slide.

Crossing the bridge-where’s the troll?


Here comes Lina

Let’s go down together.

Now let’s try to go up together.

Tunnel slide!


Riding the rocket


What’s that song?  “On the catwalk…”


Daddy and I went exploring.  Autumn found a dandelion.  Blow!


Our explorations took us to a stream.  We threw rocks, touched the cold water and found a souvenir rock to bring home.


“Allie, where are you?”

There she is!

Next we went into town to walk around.  After some walking we went to Ted’s Montana Grill for a light dinner.  They give out Wiki Stix instead of crayons!  Auntie Caitin made Ryland glasses, so Autumn wanted some too.


Sunday Allie and Kevin had to go home so we went to Original Pancake House and then came home so they could pack.

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