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We went to the circus on the 18th!  At the circus they have animals and rides and a BIG tent to watch a show inside.  Mom got tickets that were right in the front and we could see everything!  Mom, Dad, Autumn, Ryland, Jeff, and Caitlin all went with me.  I saw small horses, a camel, goats, and ELEPHANTS!  Mommy, Daddy, Autumn and I rode on an elephant too!  During the show there were people who were swinging on bars, clowns, dogs, people throwing things, and dancing elephants.  I had sooooo much fun and the babies watched the stuff too.

Mom says she’s waiting for me to be interested in potty training.  I only tell other people when I have to go-not Mommy or Daddy.  I’ve gone for the temp nanny, Jackie at work, and even Alicia ; )  When I’m at home and I go on the potty, I get to wear big girl panties.  Wanna see?

In these pictures I decided that Mom’s socks were going to be my new shoes!

I started at my new preschool.  I go on Wed. and Th. from 9am-1pm.  I have to bring my special school bag, my lunch, and 2 sippy cups.  On school days, Alicia (my nanny) meets us at work in the morning and I get to play with her and the babies until it’s time to go to school.  Then Mom takes me to school.  At first I cried, but I’m getting better now.  I know that Mom will come and get me when I’m done. My teachers are Miss Jody and Miss Angel.  They have a special bell to ring when it’s time to go inside.

Mom it’s a little early to be smiling.

Here’s my school-I was waving goodbye so Mom could take a picture and send it to my Grandmas.