Grandma and Diane came to dirt house on Wednesday.  She had our mermaids costumes and leotards for gymnastics.  After we showed dirt house to Diane we got to try them on.  First, the mermaid costumes!

See all the sparkles?  Grandma sewed them on!


Hey!  Where’d the sparkles go?  Grandma, you need to fix this side!

It’s twisted but that’s ok!

Say “Ariel!”


Now for our leo’s.  Grandma bought these in California.  If we liked our gymnastics class, we got to try them on.  Mine is the zebra stripes and Autumn get to be Autumn Angel instead of Autumn Monster.


Thursday after school we got to decorate the pumpkins we got last weekend.  Since it’s still to early to carve them, Mom let us glue and glitter them!  That was lots of fun!

Diane hasn’t had much practice monitoring a 2 year old at crafts.  She accidentally opened the glitter jar all the way.  White glitter came pouring out on to Autumn’s pumpkin!

I’m using the pink.


Good job squeezing the glue!

Now shake, shake, shake!

Turn and get this side next.

Deep in concentration.  The tongue thing comes from my Daddy!


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