Saturday we headed down to Larkspur to go to a pumpkin patch.  We were a little early so we stopped at the park to play.

This park had a tire swing.  We’ve never been on one before-they are fun!


I could even play with it by myself.

Autumn went to climb the play structure.  It was all wet so she didn’t really play on it.

Instead she went into airplane mode.

We left for the pumpkin patch and got there right when it opened.  We were the only ones there for awhile. We started with the animals you could pet and feed.  We tried to get the baby piggie to come to us, but he was to busy digging in the dirt.

These are alpaca’s.  The spit, but not on us!


Then we fed the sheep and goats.


Even Grandpa fed the animals.

There were ducks, geese, and turkeys.

After the animals Autumn headed to the hay maze.  I went to see the horses.

This is Rosie.


Next we went cow wrangling.


Spin the rope and THROW!


Look at Grandpa do it.  He almost looks like he knows what he’s doing.


Autumn got pretty good at spinning her rope.



Next we threw apples at the squirrel, bear, and moose.  Watch out Grandpa!


Then we were off to the rope maze.  You had to follow the different color ropes to try and get to the flag that matched it.


Autumn followed the yellow rope and made it to the orange flag by Grandpa.  Hmmmm, guess she didn’t quite follow the rope!

Playing some more in the maze.


Check these things out!  You won’t believe what they are for!

See that basket?  It had apples and pumpkins inside it for us to launch at the hay.

Pull some more!

Here I go!

You pull, pull, pull it and then you let go!


Can you believe we were only half way done with all the stuff to do there?  The next thing was a huge hay pyramid.  We went on it, but it wasn’t as much fun because we were a little to small to climb by ourselves.


We headed to the giant slide next.  They had a small one that we tried out first.


It might be hard to tell in the pictures but we were really having a lot of fun.  Autumn doesn’t smile very much when she’s doing things, and lots of the pictures where I was smiling, my eyes were shut.  Must be some of that asian I have in me!

Here’s the big slide.  We raced down a few times.


We even went down on our tummies.  Hey, where’s the picture of me on my tummy?


On the way to the “corn box” we stopped and turned into sunflowers.


Wanna know what the corn box is?  It’s like a sandbox, but instead it’s full of corn!


See, corn!

Where’s Kalina?!


Alright, I’ll be honest.  The corn was way cool to play in, but here’s the trouble with corn versus sand.  When sand sticks to you it’s small and not so noticeable.  When corn sticks to you it’s a little more uncomfortable!  We had corn in our shoes and hair.  It was even down my pants!  Later that night Dad had to a get a piece out that was stuck at the top of my booty!

The had a tractor ride.  We rode behind the tractor on a hay trailer and looked for animals in the field.  We saw deer, ducks, a turkey, and a fox.  (They weren’t real though!)

Since Grandpa was there, we got to ride the horses 2 times!  We both choose to ride Rosie again.


While I waited for Autumn to finish I petted Eeyore, the donkey.


Finally it was time to pick a pumpkin!  Mom said we could have one.  She says we’ll get to buy more later when it gets closer to Halloween.  In Colorado they get mushy and yucky if you carve them to soon.  We have to wait until it’s only a couple days until Halloween to do carving.
Go grab a wheel barrow!


I got mine!


Don’t drop your pumpkin!


Let’s go pay!

See that mark on mom’s knuckle of her ring finger?

That’s where Rosie’s son, Champion nipped her.  She got bitten by a pony!




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