Thursday was our last day to play in Hawaii since our flight was leaving Friday.  We did a little shopping and then took Allie to the airport.  Dad golfed with someone he met at the pool.  We headed down to the pool after we got back from the airport.

One our favorite things to play with was the plastic cups down at the pool.  See them on Autumn’s feet?  She even tried to walk with them on!

Mom says that even Autumn monster can look innocent.


Proof that dad went to the pool.  We loved the floaty rings that Grandma brought for us.  They let us go anywhere in the big pool.

Chill laxing

Having fun together.

After the pool, which we were at for more than 4 and a half hours we headed to the beach for one last time.  We played in the sand and in the ocean.  If you ask Autumn, her favorite thing about Hawaii was “booty waves”.  That’s where you sit in the sand and let the wave bump into you.  I liked swimming in the big pool the best.  We had a great trip!

We gave our boogie board and 1 of the viewing boards to some kids at the pool.  Later that night, after we were done playing with ours, we took our boards to the valet guys and left them for them to share with other people.


Before we headed to the airport we played at the park a little to burn off some energy.


Bye-bye Hawaii!  Aloha!

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