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Today Mom got out the bumbo chair for me to sit in.  This is even better than my bouncy chair because I can practice sitting up AND it can help my flat head since my head isn’t resting on anything.

Whoa head, come back here-you’re making me tip!

What’s this big thing in the middle?

Oh-a place for toys!

Say cheese Kalina.

Look at us open our eyes wide

Awww-how cute

big hug

A little help here mom!

Ok giraffe, listen carefully.  Kalina is taking a nap so I get to play with you.  Don’t tell her though because she says everything is hers!

Yeah-I’m kinda bored too.  Let’s cry so we can eat!

Did you know that you can play with these toys with your hands AND feet!

Sushi anyone?

Hmmm, what should I try and get next?

Come on paci, get in my MOUTH!

Today we went and bought diapers and pull ups for me.  They are supposed to let me feel when I’m wet to help me learn to use the potty.  After playing at Grandma’s for awhile we went home and Mom took off my diaper.  She says we’re going to try the naked kid potty training technique.  That means I go around the house without clothes and sit on the potty (in the family room) every half hour to hour.  Here’s our first try.

Right after Mom put down her camera she had to clean up a puddle on the floor-oops!  We put on a pull up and after awhile we tried the potty again.  This time I watched my new favorite show, Chuggington.  Sometime during the show I did it!  I didn’t even know I went.  I wanted to watch more Chuggington and Mom asked if I went shi shi (pee) yet.  We looked in the potty and there it was!