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Autumn looks a lot like me when I was little, but now we’re starting to look a little bit different.  The first one is me at 13 weeks, and the second is Autumn at 14 1/2 weeks.  Can you see the differences?  I have darker hair with a widow’s peak, my eyes are more asian, and I’m a bit chubbier.  Autumn’s face is more round.

Last night Mom was playing with her camera.  These are all Autumn.

These were from the beginning of February.

Today after I did more art Mom took Autumn and I to the park.  Since Grandpa was working down the street and was finished with his work he met us there.  I think I made him tired running all over the place!

This was a few days ago with my markers.

Yesterday Mom brought out the dot paints.  You hold the bottle and puts dots on your paper.

A blank canvas!

Waiting for Grandpa to get there.

A twirly slide.

The merry go round is fun, but boy do you get dizzy!

We ran around the grass and over the bridge too.

Time to rest and have a snack.

After that Grandpa took us to Stack for faffles.  (AKA waffles)  They were yummy with strawberries and whip cream on them.  I ate 1/2 all by myself-guess Mom has to find something else to eat at home.

Grandpa and I went out to the playground for a bit before we went back to the hospital for dinner.  Actually we went twice because we came home and then I convinced grandpa to “walk around some more” and we magically ended up back at the playground!

First we played choo choo by running around the lines on the ground.

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I went down the slide a few times and did the swings.  I have to remember not to let go when I’m on the big girl swings though!

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These weren’t in SLO but Mom says I’m being cute and she had to share them.  I was reading my doggie the Ocean book.


This was a gift from the Petersons.  After I opened it I wanted to read it.  Look, I’m even pointing at the words with my finger!
