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Now that May is over Mom thought it would be a good time to put up a post from the BEGINNING of May!  It takes her soooo long to post on our blog these days.  I wonder why she doesn’t have time to do it?!

Anyway, back to the run.  Jeffrey, Caitlin, Ryland, Jackie Lauren, Leslie, Ben, Peter, and Kameron all did the 5k.  Mommy, Autumn, Grandpa and I did the family fun run.  These are pictures Grandma took since she was the official t-shirt holder and camera person.

Here were are, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Here’s everyone before they started running/walking.  Autumn says, wait for me guys

Everyone is waiting for the race to start.

First they let all the people doing the 5k go, then we got to do the family part.

Here we are finishing our part!

Here comes Ben-he ws the first DPI’er!

Where’s Peter?  Grandma must’ve missed him.

Now it’s Lauren.

And then Kameron.

Here comes Auntie Cate and Ryland.

And jeffrey.

Jackie made a friend while she was walking.

There’s Peter and Leslie.  They must’ve run through the finish line so fast Grandma didn’t even see them!

Here we are after all that hard work!

Ryland did you sleep the whole time?  Silly Ryland!

Oh wait, I did!


Yesterday Grandma came over to help us decorate our Easter eggs.  Last year Autumn was to small to help, but this year she helped color them and put stickers on them.  One got a little broken when she smashed it with a spoon, but that’s ok, because I broke one too when I dropped it on the floor.

See all the colors we had.  After you put the egg in you have to wait for it to get pretty.

Stir it gently Autumn

Let’s check this green one and see if it’s ready.

Let me help you stir Autumn

Grandma brought us presents!

I got a purple lamb, and Autumn got a brown bunny!

The eggs are dry!  Time to do the stickers.

Do you see some eggs in our house?  Mom didn’t feel like cleaning up before she hid them.

This morning Autumn came out to her chair and found an egg on it.  She cracked it open and out fell M&M’s.  Mom let us eat chocolate this morning instead of breakfast!  I found lots of eggs, Autumn was to busy eating the M&M’s out of them.  (You’ll have to excuse my hair-I had BAD bed head)

Found one!

Found some more!

“Boke, boke”  Autumn was telling Mommy her rabbit was broken.  She wouldn’t bite it, she just kept trying to put it back together.

Mommy helped her and she was happy! (but then his head fell off again)

Yummy-more chocolate!

I’m an “eat the ears first” girl-how about ou?

Ewwww-chocolate fingers

Love and hugs for our new animals!

A couple of weeks ago Mom took Autumn to New York and New Jersey.  They had a trade show out there, but I had important things to do at home so I didn’t go.  (or maybe I didn’t get invited?!) Dad and I had a birthday party to go to, and a visit with Grandma, and hanging out time.

Mommy says flying is way better when Autumn sleeps instead of screaming.

The first day they walked around without any real plans.  The saw 5th avenue, Grand Central Station, and the edge of Central park.

Uncle Jeffrey needed to see the Apple Store in New York.  The babies went with their moms to FAO Schwarz store, but it closed and they had to leave.  The babies are on the wrong side of the window though!

At the hotel it was play time and then bath time-Autumn learned how to throw water OUT of the tub!

Mom, Autumn, Jeff, Caitlin, and Ryland said they did a lot of walking and I wouldn’t have liked to sit in the stroller that much.  Friday they had breakfast with Ken from Renaissance Albums, went to the top of the Empire State building, walked through the flower show at Macy’s, to B&H Photo store, through Hell’s Kitchen, then Times Square, and Rockefeller Center, cabbed to Washington Square, walked and had lunch with Jace, walked around the Soho shops, cabbed to the Chelsea market, walked Highline Park, and cabbed back to the hotel.  They left the room at 9:00am and got back at 6:30pm!

Before they left for the day Autumn got her hair done, and Ryland wanted his too, but his Mommy didn’t want that style.

Here’s some of the views from the Empire State Building.

This is at Washington Square

This is Highline Park.  It’s up above the ground!

What are we looking at Uncle Jeffrey?

Ryland, you have on my hat!  I’m gonna get it back!  See, it’s a girl hat.

These were some interesting architecture from Highline Park.

Autumn got to meet Mommy’s friend Jace and she even let him hold her a few times.  She doesn’t really like boys, so she cried when they get to close.

Play time back at the hotel!

On Saturday, before they left for New Jersey they walked and found a Japanese place that Ken had told them about.  Mom and Autumn had curry chicken katsu for breakfast.  Mom tried a mochi donut that she says was yummy.

And then over to Central Park to walk around a bit.

In New Jersey Mom and Caitlin found a Trader Joe’s and had to go in and buy some snacks.  Autumn found the peanut butter cups.

Jeff and Caitlin worked while Mom watched Autumn and Ryland.  One day she took them both swimming at the same time!  She says that it’s a good thing the 2 babies are lighter in the water.  They went to a really good Thai restaurant with Ken and his family (he was at the show too).  Autumn ate soooo much chicken and rice-Mom thought she’d never stop eating!  The next night they went to Japanese food.  The babies ate edamame, rice, tempura, and gyoza!  After they ate it was time to play with the placemats.