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Today Autumn turned 9 months old.  Just for that, Mommy took her to the doctors and she got a shot!  Autumn is getting big SOOOO fast.  Pretty soon she’ll be walking and I’ll really have to watch my stuff.

Shhhhh Grandma-I’m going to surprise someone!

I’m this many months old!

Hmmm, let me think about that.

I suppose if you count this, and this, and that, it’s worth it

Let’s do it!

Those were pictures Mommy took for Autumn’s monthly picture.  She also took some of the babies with the balloons and outside together.

“What are those Ryland?

Mommy says they’re balloons from my Auntie Helen and Uncle Jimmy.  These string things keep getting stuck on my fingers though.  Whoa, look up there!

I’m gonna getcha!

Ok Mom, I’ll play nice.”


Chill out Cuz!

Much better-you gotta seem like you’re not into this camera stuff.

Uh, you’re touching me…

Look over there!  Did you see that?!

Mom, don’t tickle my feet.  I can’t look cool if you’re doing that.

How’s this pose?  I’m trying to be one with nature.

Nature is poking up my nose!

Don’t you think you should put your dress back on?

Wait, come back-you know I can’t crawl yet!

Now that Autumn is almost 9 months, she’s wearing shoes.  She had to go to work with Mommy so she wore her new shoes all day!

Check out those babies Auntie Cate!

It’s been hard for Mom to work on our site lately.  She hasn’t even pulled out her camera since we got to Denver!  These pictures are from our old house in Campbell.  I had lots of fun playing out there, so Mom thought she should post a few more pictures.

Can you find the real baby?

Autumn likes to swing.

Mom tried to put Autumn in the bassinet at Grandma’s.  She decided she was too big for it.

Before we left California we went up to the cemetery to say goodbye to our relatives.  Autumn fell asleep in the car, but Mom took a picture of me there.  I helped Grandma put the flowers in.


Check out Grandma multi tasking with 2 babies!

Today we went out to Colorado Springs.  First we went to see a house that was built by the people Mom and Dad are talking to about building a house for us.  They wanted to see how their houses looked.  At that house there was a donkey and a horse.  I wanted to pet the horse, but he wouldn’t come out.

Then we drove to Garden of The Gods.  Note to self-when Dad says “park” it doesn’t always mean that you’re going to a place with slides and swings.  Dad said to look for the kissing camels.  Can you find them?

There were people climbing the rocks.  I decided to try and climb my own rock.

Then the babies tried to copy me and climb their own rock.

Here we all are!

Mom and I started walking back early to find Grandma.

Say cheese!

Daddy, give me back my paci!  I’m tired!