Category: Autumn

Sushi anyone?

Hmmm, what should I try and get next?

Come on paci, get in my MOUTH!

Autumn looks a lot like me when I was little, but now we’re starting to look a little bit different.  The first one is me at 13 weeks, and the second is Autumn at 14 1/2 weeks.  Can you see the differences?  I have darker hair with a widow’s peak, my eyes are more asian, and I’m a bit chubbier.  Autumn’s face is more round.

Last night Mom was playing with her camera.  These are all Autumn.

These were from the beginning of February.

We are sooo special to our daddy that he drove all the way from Oregon to San Luis just to spend Valentine’s day with us.  And that was after he played a round of golf that morning!  Mom bought me a red shirt with a big shiny heart on it and Autumn got a pink heart dress.  Since I’m big  got presents too.  I got Pez, Pixy stix, M & M’s, a balloon, markers, paper, a crown, and a light up heart toy.  And then when we got home from SLO Grandma Doyle had sent me a card with lots of stickers to play with.  Autumn got a heart outfit since she doesn’t play yet.

I gave Allie a Valentine candy.

See my heart necklace-I was trying to play a bubble pooping game on mom’s computer.  I’m not sure why, but Grandma, Diane, and Mom were playing it a lot!

See Daddy with Ryland