If you haven’t noticed I have a new baby sister.  Autumn Diana Doyle was born on Tuesday, November 10th.  For those of you “number” people, that’s 11-10-09 at 7:07am.  She was 7 lbs. 1 oz, and 19 inches long.  Mom says I can tell you the story about her being born.  I think I like her, she cries a lot, and sleeps a lot but I’m waiting for her to get big so we can play.  The first time she cried it scared me and I cried too, but I’m ok now.  I check on her when she cries, pat her back to help her burp, and hold her when I sit on the couch.

Right now she can’t play because she’s not big enough yet and she’s connected to this machine that is supposed to make her healthy.  She’s like me when I was a baby, and is jaundice.  I had to go to the NICU, but Autumn gets to stay at home with this cool light that is strapped to her back.  It makes the bad stuff go away when she poops and pees.  She glows in the dark though and that’s kind of weird!


Here’s the story according to Mom.  She had a contraction at 4:15am but didn’t know if that was what it really was since all the contractions with me were with an epidural.  She waited and another came at 4:30 or so, and she decided that maybe they were contractions.  She had a few more and told Dad that maybe he would have to clear his schedule today.  The day before at the doctor’s office nothing had changed from the week before, so Mom was going to be going to work that day.  She went downstairs to request a sub, download a “contractions” app for her iPhone, and played on her Facebook a little, then went back up to pass the time.  She gave dad the phone to keep track of the contractions while she took a shower.  She says the contractions were so random that she had a hard time keeping track of them.  Sometimes they were short, sometime long, sometimes right away, and sometimes longer apart.  The Dr. said that they should call him when contractions were lasting 1 minute, about 5 mins. apart, and going for an hour or so.  So she figured they’d be waiting around for awhile.

Dad got up and took a shower next and mom packed her bag for the hospital.  She called Grandma and said that “We’re having a party, but there’s no rush.”  Grandma said they’d be over.  Here’s where she said the contractions were getting more painful and she was trying different things while they happened.  During one Dad even said something like “doesn’t that look like fun.” and giggled at mom.  She wasn’t mad though since it’s all part of what you have to do-or so she thought.  Dad got finished with his shower and Mom was doing stuff while she waited for him.  She decided they should call the doctor because now there was a little bit on bleeding that didn’t happen before.  The doctor’s office said to go right in to labor and delivery.  So Mom called grandma and told her “sooner is better than later” but grandma and Grandpa were going out the door anyway.  She says when Dad started shaving she thought to herself-Really, you’re going to shave now?  Then Dad started brushing his teeth and Mom thought-Really, now you’re going to brush your teeth!  She says she didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to be TTHHAATT kind of person in labor.  All this time her contractions were getting stronger and more painful.  They were lasting longer and hurting more so she went to wait for Grandma and Grandpa.  That’s when I woke up!  Dad came and got me and brought me downstairs, plopped me on the couch, gave me my milk cup, and Mom turned on Barney.  Mom went out to the car and Dad stood in the walkway not sure if he should go with mom or me.  Instead he called grandma to see where they were.  They were right around the corner.  Grandma came in the house with me, Grandpa got in Dad’s truck and off they drove-dad didn’t really wait for Grandpa to shut his door!  The time-6:37am

I hear the drive to the hospital was…well, you choose a word.  Mom was not quiet when she had contractions from our house to about Cupertino.  But around Cupertino Grandpa thought they were going to have to pull over and that Autumn was going to be born on the freeway.  Mom said “NO!” and Dad kept driving.  Apparently my sister had no intentions of waiting and was starting to make her appearance in this world.  You can imagine the rest of the drive-with Autumn on her way and Mom not enjoying the pain very much.  She let anyone within shouting range know.  Grant and El Camino Real: the time-6:53am

When they got to the hospital Dad went to get someone, other people went to get someone and Grandpa stayed with Mom.  Someone finally came with a wheelchair, they went up 1 floor, wheeled to the room, Mom got in the bed, they found a doctor and 7 pushes later Autumn was there.  The time-7:07am

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Time to go home!


Us together

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