Category: Autumn

Thursday was our last day to play in Hawaii since our flight was leaving Friday.  We did a little shopping and then took Allie to the airport.  Dad golfed with someone he met at the pool.  We headed down to the pool after we got back from the airport.

One our favorite things to play with was the plastic cups down at the pool.  See them on Autumn’s feet?  She even tried to walk with them on!

Mom says that even Autumn monster can look innocent.


Proof that dad went to the pool.  We loved the floaty rings that Grandma brought for us.  They let us go anywhere in the big pool.

Chill laxing

Having fun together.

After the pool, which we were at for more than 4 and a half hours we headed to the beach for one last time.  We played in the sand and in the ocean.  If you ask Autumn, her favorite thing about Hawaii was “booty waves”.  That’s where you sit in the sand and let the wave bump into you.  I liked swimming in the big pool the best.  We had a great trip!

We gave our boogie board and 1 of the viewing boards to some kids at the pool.  Later that night, after we were done playing with ours, we took our boards to the valet guys and left them for them to share with other people.


Before we headed to the airport we played at the park a little to burn off some energy.


Bye-bye Hawaii!  Aloha!

Today everyone but Allie and us left for Oahu.  We had breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa and then headed to the pool.

Look at my silly sister!

She makes me laugh!

We took a break and made bracelets.  There were ladies selling jewelry and then had stuff for us to make our own.


Autumn decided to pour water down her swimsuit.

I one-upped her and poured it over my head.

Mom says these are “super-model” poses with us pouring water on ourselves.


Ry left while we were at the pool.  Grandma and Grandpa left while we were at the beach, and Pony left at nap time.  Allie is staying with us tonight and leaving tomorrow.

We went to the shopping center and listened to a group play music.  They had a hula dancer, so we watched her and danced like she did.  We both wanted to wear our hula dancing clothes too!







On Monday Mom and Dad went golfing in Kapalua at the Plantation course.


Here’s Mom’s fresh tuna fish sandwich on the golf course.

This was dad putting.

We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and swam at the beach and pool.


For dinner we met them in Kaanapali at Roys.  Almost everyone had macadamia nut crusted mahi and chocolate souffle for dessert.  Then we drove back to the hotel and used our flashlights to go frog hunting.  Pony says that at night humongous frogs on the grass.  We saw a 3 frogs, 2 cockroaches, 1 cat and a security guard because we were walking on private property to see the frogs.

Tuesday we headed back to Maluaka beach where the adults went snorkeling a few days before.  This time from the beach mom saw an eagle ray and turtle, but not when she went in the water.  Auntie Cait took me out on the viewing board so i could see some fish too.

We were checking out the fountain in the hotel.

This is my sister splashing me with fountain water-I didn’t like it!

Since Autumn had some ocean trauma we worked hard to make sure she was having fun in the ocean.

Jumping in the waves is lots of fun.


Mom found a snail in a really pretty shell rolling around.  Only Ry would touch it though!


Do you know what’s happening here?  Uncle Jeffrey is going shi-shi!

We were checking these out on the rocks.


After the beach we headed back to Kihei Cafe for more breakfast.  Banana mac nut pancakes are yummy!  When we got back from breakfast we went down to the pool.  All the girls and grandpa had massages and then they went shopping.  We went back to the pool after nap with Daddy.  We stayed there until the sun went down.  Everyone else went to dinner at Izakaya Matsu and dessert at Cheeseburger in Paradise.  Before bedtime Pony taught me how to play “Go Fish” with cards that used to be Allie’s.  Autumn played too!

See what grandma bought us!  Shake your booty!